All education actors, including relevant Camp Management Agency staff, are familiar with the INEE Minimum Standards and education providers refer them in their proposals and preparedness plans.
An Education in Emergencies contingency plan has been developed and is referenced.
Baseline education information relating to both host and displaced communities has been obtained from the Education Cluster/Sector Lead Agency, national authorities or other education actors.
As part of preparedness measures, alternative sites to use as collective centres have been identified to reduce the likelihood that education facilities will be used.
A camp education coordination group with a clearly defined terms of reference has been established to support the provision of education.
Education Cluster/Sector Lead Agency has been contacted and regular coordination, communication and information sharing is occurring.
Education data is collected as part of an initial multisector rapid needs assessment.
A representative range of community members and the national authorities have participated in a joint education needs assessment.
Indicators have been agreed and baseline data collected to measure access, protection, safety and learning outcomes.
Regular monitoring of the education programme takes place, and data is collected against agreed indicators.
Action is taken if the education programme does not meet internationally and locally agreed standards.
Community Participation
Community Education Committees or PTAs have been established and are fully supported by the Camp Management Agency and education service providers.
The displaced community is actively engaged in all aspects of educational provision including assessment, programme design, monitoring and evaluation.
Information about education opportunities is regularly shared with the community in order to promote school attendance for boys and girls as well as children with disabilities and other specific needs .
The community, and particularly learners themselves, participate in efforts to identify barriers to education and support out-of-school children and youth.
Trusted volunteers are engaged as classroom assistants where appropriate, to provide role models for girls and boys and mitigate risks of sexual harassment or abuse.
Children and youth are consulted and listened to for often they may identify issues or solve problems adults are unaware of.
Education Access and Learning Environment
Relevant education programmes for displaced children and youth are quickly established and are based on results of education needs assessments, and include consideration of early childhood development, primary, post-primary and non-formal education.
The education provider, relevant education authorities and community work together to identify barriers to education, with particular attention paid to gender, disability and vulnerable groups.
The quality and effectiveness of the education programmes are frequently monitored and data on the percentage of displaced children accessing school is disaggregated by age and gender, enrolment, attendance, retention, learning achievements, relevance and protection.
Dropout rates and numbers of out-of school-children and youth are routinely collected and acted upon.
The location of learning centres is carefully selected, through consultations with children and community members and after careful risk analysis.
Separate latrines for boys, girls and teachers, hand washing facilities and drinking water are established in all learning sites, even if temporary.
Learning spaces are safe and accessible for all learners and care is taken over access routes and safety while travelling to and from school. Learning spaces should comply with collectively agreed local and international standards.
Teaching and Learning
Education provides children and youth with key lifesaving messages, relevant to the particular context, for example landmine awareness and hygiene practices.
Psychosocial support is provided through education. Education providers and teachers are aware of key concepts and strategies, including: importance of play and recreation, teaching using a predictable structure, use of child-friendly teaching methods, teaching of life-skills and information about how and where to refer children in extreme distress.
The community is consulted, including children and youth themselves, when making decisions on language and curriculum of instruction.
Appropriate learning certification is issued in a timely way, and certificates are recognised by hosts and home authorities.
Teachers and Other Education Personnel
Both male and female teachers from the displaced population are identified.
Teachers are adequately compensated for their work, as agreed with communities and national education authorities.
Teachers receive regular training on child-friendly teaching, key lifesaving messages and other relevant curriculum content in line with national systems.
Teacher training certificates are provided and host authority accreditation sought for teachers from the displaced community.
A code of conduct is developed collectively with teachers and learners. Teachers and other education personnel are trained on its contents and key child protection principles. There are consequences if codes are breached.
The psychosocial needs of teachers are considered within education programming, and teachers are encouraged to form peer support groups.
When appropriate, trusted community members are identified to work as volunteer classroom assistants to support teachers, encourage students and enhance child protection.