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- Jane Barry and Anne Jefferys, Humanitarian Practice Network, 2004. A Bridge Too Far: Aid Agencies and the Military in Humanitarian Response
- Department of Peacekeeping Operations, UN, 2010. Second Generation Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Practices in Peace Operations
- European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO), 2004. Generic Security Guide for Humanitarian Organisations
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), UN, 2004. Civil-Military Relationship in Complex Emergencies
- IASC, UN, 2008. Civil-Military Guidelines & Reference for Complex Emergencies
- IASC, 2013. Non-Binding Guidelines on the Use of Armed Escorts for Humanitarian Convoys
- IASC Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and Natural Disasters
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 2005. Staying Alive: Safety and Security Guidelines for Humanitarian Volunteers in Conflict Areas
- Overseas Development Institute, Humanitarian Practice Network, 2010. Operational Security Management in Violent Environments
- Hugo Slim, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2007. A Guide to Mediation. Enabling Peace Processes in Violent Conflicts
- United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 2001. Managing the Stress of Humanitarian Emergencies
- UNHCR, 2006. Operational Guidelines on Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Asylum
- UNHCR, 2011. Manual on Security of Persons of Concern