All tools and references listed below are available on the electronic Camp Management Toolkit either on the USB memory stick accompanying every hardcopy or from the website:
- International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2014. Data access form
- IOM, 2014. Data confidentiality form
- IOM, 2014. DTM PH Haiyan Site Profile sample
- IOM, 2014. DTM South Sudan Form Sample
- IOM, 2014. DTM South Sudan Guidelines
- IOM, 2014. DTM South Sudan Host Community Form Sample
- UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 2013. 3W Template
- UNHCR, 2014. Information Management Strategy Template
- UNHCR, 2014. Minimum Sectoral Data Tracking Tool
- UNHCR, 2014. Site Profile Template
- UNHCR, 2014. Standard Level 2 Registration Form
- UNHCR, 2014. Standard Registration Form