Checklist for a Camp Management Agency
Roles and Responsibilities
- Camp staff are trained in the protection and care of groups with specific needs and have signed a code of conduct.
- WASH issues have been incorporated into multi-sectoral assessments.
- Appropriate coordination structures have been established to ensure WASH is integrated into site planning and all public services and spaces.
- A sufficient number of WASH service providers are operating in the camp and a WASH sector lead is nominated.
- WASH providers have sufficient technical expertise, trained staff and good quality material available.
- Roles and responsibilities in the WASH sector are clarified and agreed upon by the Camp Management Agency, the WASH provider, the WASH Committees and the national sanitation authorities.
- ToR of WASH service providers and relevant authorities are fixed.
- The camp population is sufficiently informed about who is doing what, where and when concerning WASH activities.
- Concerned stakeholders have agreed on which international or local standards to apply in the camp WASH sector.
- WASH services and infrastructure have been set up according to standards, indicators and guidelines and are regularly maintained and monitored.
- An overall monitoring system of WASH interventions is put in place including coordination modalities to share information with the Camp Management Agency and all relevant actors in the camp.
- Work plans and data are shared.
- Services, gaps and needs are reported by the WASH service providers.
- The camp population, particularly women and girls, is fully involved in all aspects of WASH interventions, from planning and design to implementation and construction, to monitoring and coordination, to maintenance and cleaning.
- The Camp Management Agency and WASH provider use a community-based approach and support and promote the community’s involvement through the camp WASH Committees.
- Local knowledge and experience is considered and used.
- The Camp Management Agency’s and the WASH provider’s staff behave in culturally appropriate and sensitive ways vis-à-vis the camp population.
Water Supply
- The current water sources, inside and outside the camp, are known and mapped. Alternative water supply has been assessed.
- The level of the groundwater table is known and taken into consideration.
- The camp population has access to sufficient water of reasonable quality according to standards and indicators.
- Water points and sources are easily accessible, safe and protected.
- Water quality is regularly controlled and monitored.
- Particular attention is paid to good drainage around infrastructure for water supply.
- Water supply is organised based on assessment of shortterm and long-term water needs.
- A contamination risk assessment for water and water sources has been carried out.
- If necessary, water has been treated accordingly to improve the quality.
- Camp residents have enough water storage facilities such as vessels and jerry cans.
- Agreements with the host community are made where water sources outside the camp are being used.
- Possibilities have been assessed whether and how the host community may benefit from camp WASH services provided.
- If water is rationed, the camp population is sufficiently and transparently informed about the reasons why and the alternative measures to apply.
- 4R Guidelines are applied.
- Persons with specific needs and those at risk are prioritised when water is scarce.
Excreta Disposal
- A sufficient number of safe and culturally appropriate latrines, washing and bathing facilities, laundry and drying facilities are available.
- Sanitation facilities are placed safely according to standards.
- The availability of local materials for construction has been assessed.
- Women and girls have been involved in the design and placement of sanitation facilities.
- Camp residents feel comfortable with WASH infrastructure and know how to use and maintain it.
- All sanitation facilities consider the aspects of comfort, hygiene, safety, privacy and cultural appropriateness.
- Local traditional defecation practices are known and considered in relation to hygiene and safety.
- The capacities of latrines in relation to the disposal of human excreta have been previously considered during the planning phase.
- Latrines are regularly emptied. All WASH infrastructure is frequently cleaned and maintained, as appropriate.
- Latrines and open defecation sites have hand washing facilities.
- The soil conditions for on-site disposal of human excreta have been assessed.
- Open defecation sites are fenced off and designated at a sufficient distance from individual shelters, groundwater and public infrastructure.
- The camp population is sufficiently informed about the risks that open defecation may have.
Solid Waste Disposal
- The local practices of disposing of solid waste are known and taken into consideration.
- The types of solid waste, such as domestic, commercial and medical, are identified.
- A regular and sound solid waste disposal system is established and monitored.
- Timetables and schedules for solid waste disposal are established in consultation with the camp population and WASH Committees. Mutual roles and responsibilities are clear.
- Rubbish sites, bins and containers are safe, designed and designated according to standards and indicators.
- Medical waste is burned in incinerators under supervision of trained staff.
- Tools such as wheel barrows and shovels are available to collect and transport solid waste.
- Reusable material is collected, and given to those that can make use of it.
- The camp site is generally clean.
- A technically appropriate drainage system has been established, ensuring the camp site is protected from standing wastewater and flooding.
- The drainage system is regularly maintained through the camp population and the WASH Committees.
- The slope of the camp site, the type of soil and the degree of infiltration are taken into consideration when planning and setting up the drainage system.
- Particular attention is paid to good drainage around WASH infrastructure.
- Tools and material are made available to the camp residents, so that they can protect their shelters and infrastructure from flooding and wastewater.
- The camp WASH Committees and the camp population are mobilised for cleaning and maintenance. Mutual roles and responsibilities are clear.
Disposal of Dead Bodies
- The mortality rate in the camp is known and monitored.
- Camp residents report all deaths to the local administration and the Camp Management Agency.
- Appropriate sites for burial and graveyards are fenced-off and designated at a safe distance from individual shelters and groundwater.
- Relatives of the deceased are supported with material for grave digging and burial as well as with burial shrouds.
- People who have died of typhus or cholera are buried rapidly.
Vector Control
- The local frequency of vector-borne diseases is known.
- Major vector-borne diseases are identified according to their level of risk.
- The camp population understands the relation between inadequate hygiene and vector-borne diseases.
- If chemicals are used for disinfection, they are known and adequately stored and used and concerned staff are thoroughly trained in how to do so.
Hygiene Promotion
- Major hygiene issues are identified and known.
- A strategy to promote hygiene is drawn up and hygiene education provided to the camp population.
- Clear and simple messages and information are provided to the camp population to promote hygiene.
- Women and children are involved in hygiene promotion to the maximum extent.
- Creative means, such as dramas, role-plays, cartoons and paintings are used to communicate with children and non-literate people.