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- All In Diary, 2009. A practical Tool for Field Based Humanitarian Workers
- American Library Association. Making the Meeting: Resources for Conducting effective Meetings
- Oliver Bakewell, 2003. Community Services in Refugee Aid Programs: The Challenges of Expectations, Principles and Practices
- Nan Buzard, 2000. Information-sharing and Coordination among NGOs Working in the Refugee Camps of Ngara and Kibondo, Tanzania, 1994-1998
- Pierro Calvi-Parisetti and Donato Kinnigler-Passigli, ILO, 2002. Coordination in Crisis Response and Reconstruction
- Paul Currion and Kerren Hedlun, ICVA. Strength in Numbers: A Review of NGO Coordination in the Field
- Development Initiatives, Global Humanitarian Assistance, 2011. Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
- Emergency Capacity Building Project/Building Trust Working Group, 2007. Building Trust in Diverse Teams: The Toolkit for Emergency Response.
- Global Humanitarian Platform, 2007. Principles of Partnership
- Vanessa Humphries, 2013. Improving Humanitarian Coordination: Common Challenges and Lessons Learned from the Cluster Approach
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), 2002. Growing the Sheltering Tree: Protecting Rights through Humanitarian Action
- IASC, 2007. Cross Cluster Coordination. Key Things to Know
- IASC, 2011. Working with National Authorities.
- IASC, 2013. Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at the Country Level
- International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNHCR, 2012. Collective Centre Guidelines
- Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs (OCHA), ODI, 2001. Humanitarian Coordination: Lessons Learnt from Recent Experiences
- People in Aid, 2003. Code of Good Practice in the Management and Support of Aid Personal
- UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 2003. Coordination, Emergency Preparedness Competencies
- UNHCR, 2004. Age Gender Diversity Mainstreaming (AGDM) strategy.
- UNHCR, 2006. IDP Camp Coordination and Camp Management, A Framework for UNHCR Offices
- UNHCR, 2007. Handbook for Emergencies (third edition)
- United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination, 2006. Handbook
- Carsten Voelz. Humanitarian Coordination in Indonesia. An NGO Viewpoint. Forced Migration Review
- Jenty Wood, 2004. Improving NGO Coordination: Lessons from the Bam Earthquake